Ariela writing at her drafting table.


The most iconic work of a Jewish scribe is writing a Torah scroll, the holiest object in Judaism.

A Torah contains 2552 verses comprised of 304,805 letters, each of which must be written according to an exacting standard of Jewish law. It takes between 16 and 24 months of full-time work to write a complete Torah scroll.


Ariela’s Qualifications to Write a Torah

Ariela began working as a professional calligrapher in 2003 and began studying the Jewish law pertaining to safrut, the writing of Jewish sacred texts, in 2015. After writing numerous m’zuzot and several M’gillot Esther, Ariela is currently working on her first Torah scroll for Temple Beth Shalom in Needham, MA, and will complete it in May 2024.

Read more about Ariela’s Jewish education and observance.

Client references available upon request.


Ariela’s Writing

Ariela writes sifrei kodesh, Jewish holy texts, in the distinctive Spanish Portuguese hand. Clients have described her writing as “beautiful” and “extremely easy to read.”

Sample of Ariela’s writing.

Sample of Ariela’s writing.

You can see more examples of Ariela’s writing on the M’gillah page.


Inquire About Commissioning a Torah from Ariela

Ariela can start a new Torah at the beginning of 2023. Fill out this form and Ariela will be in touch.